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Dr Rory Dower

Home»Patient Information»Recovery


Before any procedure, Dr Dower will take the time to discuss what you can expect during the recovery phase of surgery and the options available to you for your immediate post-operative care.

If the type of surgery allows, and you are ambulatory (meaning you are able to stand and walk under your own strength), you are usually able to be released to the care of a responsible adult to recover at home. You may, however, prefer to recover overnight with or without nursing care in the comfort of a nearby luxury hotel. We can co-ordinate your transportation, as well as your overnight care. You may medically require (or opt for), overnight recovery in a hospital setting to be cared for by licensed medical professionals.


How long will my recovery take?

Every person and procedure is different and your recovery period will be discussed with you in detail during your consultation. You will know what you should and should not do during recovery, as well as how you will feel, what medication to take for discomfort, and how to treat your incisions and potential bruises.

When will I see Dr Dower again after my surgery?

Dr Dower will see you before you are discharged for your post-surgical care. On the evening of your procedure, Dr Dower will call you or visit you to evaluate your progress and recovery. Our practice administrator will provide you with a time when Dr Dower will follow up with you thereafter.

What if I experience a complication or have questions?

You will have spoken about and have a comprehensive list of all potential symptoms and complications, as well as normal conditions experienced during recovery. If you have questions at any time during your recovery, please contact us immediately. Dr Dower and his staff are readily available to take your calls and instruct you on what to do.